Photochemistry & Materials group CONICET, the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina, will also participate in IONBIKE through the Institute for Energy Technologies and Advanced Materials at the National University of Rio Cuarto (IITEMA - UNRC), who will mostly participate in the preparation of iongel precursors through their activities of nanogels and photopolymerisations. Back to consortium
UCIMED The autonomous school of Medical Sciences is the first private institution in the medicine field in Costa Rica. Experts in biomedical application and chemical modifications of biopolymers, UCIMED will mainly participate in the preparation of iongels and polymer processing. Back to consortium
CONICET, the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina, will participate in IONBIKE through the Institute of Technological Development for the Chemical Industry at the National University of Litoral (INTEC-UNL), who will collaborate in the development of innovative iongels. Back to consortium
Organic Bioelectronics Laboratory KAUST King Abdullah University of Science and Technology is a graduate-level research university from Saudi Arabia. The bioelectronics laboratory will bring their expertise of synthesis of (semi)conducting polymers fabrication of bioelectronics devices such as OECTs. KAUST will mostly participate in iongel preparation and characterisation, as well as device fabrication and testing. & Back to consortium
Georgia Institute of Technology is one of the best public universities in the US, being home to some of the best undergrad engineering schools and undergraduate programs in the country. They will bring expertise in polymer processing, the physical chemistry of organic matter and organic/inorganic hybrid systems. Georgia Institute of Technology will mostly participate in the development of innovative iongels and characterisation of bioelectronic devices. Back to consortium
DEAKIN The Institute for Frontier Materials (IFM) and Deakin University are world leaders in the development and characterisation of solid and liquid ionic materials. DEAKIN will mostly participate in the characterisation of the innovative iongels. Back to consortium
PANAXIUM is a French start-up company that develops and manufactures bioelectronic components and devices for medical applications. Within the IONBIKE project, PANAXIUM will lead the iongel integration and validation tasks. Back to consortium
Bioelectronics Laboratory Bioelectronic Systems Technology University of Cambridge is one of the most renowned research/higher education institutes in the world. The Biolectronics Laboratory and Bioelectronic Systems Technology units are leading groups in the world in the development of plastic bioelectronics. Back to consortium
University of Bordeaux has worldwide-recognised expertise in polymers for the development of functional materials for organic electronics and biomedical applications. The Organic Polymer Chemistry Lab (LCPO) will develop innovative iongels and provide materials. & Backt to consortium POLYMAT is a well-known research centre in the field of polymer science, promoted by the University of the Basque Country in northern Spain. POLYMAT/UPV-EHU will be the overall coordinator of the IONBIKE project. On a technical level, they will lead the development of innovative iongels. Back to consortium