We are happy to share that #IonbikeR paper entitled “Mixed Ionic and Electronic Conducting Eutectogels for 3D-Printable Wearable Sensors and Bioelectrodes“, published in Advanced Materials Technologies last year, has been chosen as an Editor’s pick and is featured in the ‘Best of Advanced Materials Technologies 2022‘ virtual issue. This issue presents the editors’ selection of outstanding articles published in 2022 by experts from all over the world, covering a wide spectrum of topics, including soft robotics, wearable electronics, light emitters, energy harvesting and storage, tissue engineering, sensors, and many more. All articles can be accessed here. Congratulations to the team!!!
Organic Battery Days 2023 congress will take place in San Sebastian-Spain on June 7-8, 2023. The Organic Battery Days is a yearly reference event for organic battery experts. Topics include design and synthesis of organic electroactive materials, study of these materials in various electrochemical systems (e.g., rechargeable batteries, flow cells, organic batteries) and electrolytes for organic electrodes. The call for Abstracts is open for submission until March 15th on the conference website: https://www.uik.eus/en/activity/organic-battery-days-2023
Very are happy to learn that #IonbikeR Sahika Inal from KAUST was the winner of the prestigious Journal of Materials Chemistry lectureship, an award that honours early-career scientists who significantly contribute to the field of materials chemistry. Huge congratulations, Sahika! https://www.rsc.org/journals-books-databases/about-journals/materials/journal-of-materials-chemistry-lectureship/
Following his visit in 2019, Roque Minari, an Experienced Researcher from CONICET-Universidad del Litoral (Argentina), was back to UPV/EHU-POLYMAT (Spain) in May. Our project coordinator David Mecerreyes and him have been colloborating for years now, and they currently cosupervise the work of IONBIKE secondee Ana Aguzin. Roque´s secondment has been useful to perform some lab work and plan further collaborations in the field of iongels for bioelectronics. Thank you, Roque!
The latest IONBIKE publication is the first of Ana Aguzin’s as first author, and a great example of collaboration between Consortium partners. As part of her PhD, Ana is developing iongels for biolectronics that show great properties and potential. Well done, team!
May has been an exciting (and busy!) month for many IONBIKErs. After having been put off twice, GEP-SLAP 2022 conference took place in Donostia-San Sebastián (Spain), finally! Several (past & current) secondees participated at a dedicated session on the first day of the conference; look at their happy faces!
We are happy to welcome the 2022 IONBIKE publication harvest. “Mixed Ionic and Electronic Conducting Eutectogels for 3D-Printable Wearable Sensors and Bioelectrodes” was recently published in Open Access as a result of true collaborative efforts among our partners UPV/EHU (Spain), CONICET (Argentina) and Panaxium (France). Special credits go to Matias and Naroa, who carried out important parts of the experimental work while seconded at POLYMAT and Panaxium, respectively. In short: Deep Eutectic Solvents and Eutectogels are great materials for biolectronics!
Members of our Argentinian IONBIKE partner CONICET-Universidad del Litoral, Roque Minari, Ana Aguzin and Gisela Luque, recently participated at the XIV Simposio Argentino de Polímeros (SAP). Great opportunity to show IONBIKE progress!
We´re delighted to inform that the delayed GEP-SLAP 2020(+2) conference will finally take place in person next May 8-12, in Donostia-San Sebastian. We hope to meet many of our #IONBIKE friends there! More information: https://www.gep-slap2020.eu/new-information-about-the-gep-slap-2022-conference
SUBMIT NOW! Final abstract submission deadline for the GEP-SLAP 2020-2021 conference is February 15th, 2021. The conference will be held in San Sebastian, with all required sanitary measurements and social distancing, on May 9-13, 2021. It will follow a hybrid mode: via streaming and also by participating in person. https://www.gep-slap2020.eu/important-dates
IONBIKE researchers on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean will support Iberoamerican Researchers’ Night on November 27th. More info on the following links: http://ccciencia.gob.ar/noche_iberoamericana_investigadores.html https://www.madrimasd.org/lanochedelosinvestigadores/actividad/mincyt-argentina-hidrogeles-como-filtros-para-la-descontaminacion-de-aguas https://www.madrimasd.org/lanochedelosinvestigadores/investigadores-e-investigadoras
Due to COVID-19, the IONBIKE RISE midterm meeting of last week had to be held online. The upside of this unusual situation was that we managed to gather up to 46 project participants from all around the world in one virtual room. We are very grateful to all our wonderful partners for showing the many nice outputs that result from our project interactions. Let´s keep riding the IONBIKE!
The Royal Society of Chemistry has recently published a new book titled Redox Polymers for Energy and Nanomedicine, whose editors are Nerea Casado and the IONBIKE project coordinator David Meverreyes. With contributions from global experts, this book will be of great interest to professionals working in various fields such as polymer science, electrochemistry, energy research and nanomedicine. The book includes three chapter contributions by IONBIKE project partners UPV/EHU, UCAM and KAUST. Well done everyone! For more details: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/ebook/978-1-78801-871-5
With the second year landmark approaching, on October 29-30th all IONBIKE partners and a REA representative will gather virtually for the project’s Midterm Meeting. At this online meeting, we will review the progess made to date and discuss our plans for the upcoming months. Fingers crossed for a successful encounter!
The GEP-SLAP2020-21 conference has been rescheduled to May 9-13, 2021. New deadlines for abstract submission, acceptance, grant applications, and registration for the event that will still be held in San Sebastián (Spain) have already been posted on their website. For more information, visit: https://www.gep-slap2020.eu/home
Taking into account COVID-19’s worldwide spread and the difficulties for travelling abroad, the organizing committee of GEP-SLAP2020 has decided to postpone the conference to May 9-13, 2021. The venue of the conference will be the same, the Kursaal Conference Center in San Sebastian, Spain. To read the official announcement: https://www.gep-slap2020.eu/the-gep-slap2020-conference-has-been-postponed-to-2021
For those interested in the subject, here´s the link to the #ShutDownPolymerWebinar that our coordinator David Mecerreyes from POLYMAT-University of the Basque Country gave yesterday on innovative polymers for Energy Storage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5WA3zY2UMI&feature=youtu.be
IONBIKE partners George Malliaras from the University of Cambridge, Sahika Inal from KAUST, Aaron Weinroth from PANAXIUM and David Mecerreyes from POLYMAT-University of the Basque Country are participating at the 4th Asilomar Bioelectronics Symposium in California (USA). Great opportunity for a project update and to discuss the next IONBIKE steps!
The IONBIKE RISE partnership kicked-off last week at POLYMAT-University of the Basque Country in San Sebastian, Spain.